Creative Activities To Keep Seniors Minds Active


Winter can have a dramatic impact on the well-being of seniors. This time of year limits older adults options when it comes to outdoor activities due to cold temperatures and slick, unsafe conditions, but the weather cant limit creativity. Engaging i Continue reading →

Winter Safety- The Higher Risk of Hypothermia For Seniors


Winter can be a difficult time for many seniors, and here in Pennsylvania, we get the gamut of winter weather with rain, sleet, snow, ice, and frigid winds. This winter has seen much of the country under record low temperatures and buried in snow. Du Continue reading →

Expert Insights Into Exercise And Aging


As we age we should constantly be searching for ways to optimize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being to remain as healthy as possible throughout our senior years. Nutrition is of course of vital importance and so is physical activity. Exer Continue reading →


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