Caring for the Caregivers: Tips for People Caring for Seniors


In many families, the responsibility for senior care falls on children or other family members. When a senior parent or other person in your family has medical issues or dementia, caregiving can be a round-the-clock job. With all the focus on caring Continue reading →

Coping with Rising Drug Costs: Tips for Seniors


Prescription drug prices continue to soar, and for seniors and their caregivers, this can sometimes lead to detrimental effects on their health. Government leaders are trying to come up with solutions, but in the meantime, seniors are left with some Continue reading →

Hello world


We thank you and your staff for all you folks have done to make Dads living with you so enjoyable. We appreciate your extra efforts above and beyond the normal to make sure that he is always safe, well fed not left alone and encouraged Continue reading →


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