If youre one of the millions who love to curl up with a good book, theres good news for you. Reading is more than just a relaxing hobby. Its now been shown to have several benefits that can be especially important for seniors.
Delayed Alzheimers and dementia.
Heres a benefit that shows how a lifelong love of reading can help improve your life as a senior. Scientific studies have shown that people in their 70s who have been reading for years build up more neuron connections, and that makes it more difficult for Alzheimers disease to develop. This improved brain structure also helps delay or prevent dementia.
Improved memory.
Reading is like exercise for your mind, and one of the aspects you can strengthen through reading is your memory. Regular reading is like a mental workout, and studies have shown that seniors who read have less memory decline than those who do not.
Lower stress and reduced anxiety.
Studies have shown that six minutes into a good book, your body will start to relax, with a lower heart rate and lower muscle tension. That makes reading a good way to unwind at the end of the day, and a great exercise in self-care overall.
Better sleep.
Reading is a great bedtime ritual that can help you fall asleep faster. As your body becomes accustomed to the routine of regular reading, it uses it as a cue to fall asleep. Reading is an excellent alternative to browsing devices or watching TV since the light from these screens can negatively affect your sleep patterns. If the reading has become more difficult for you due to declining eyesight, look for large-print books at your local library. You can also use e-books that allow you to enlarge the print but be aware that the blue light from these devices makes this option better for daytime use as it can disrupt your sleep. Reading is a great way to pass the time while improving brain function and memory, and its an important part of a healthy senior lifestyle.
When its time to consider transitioning to a senior living apartment, contact the experts at Ashbridge Manor Senior Living. We developed our senior apartments and amenities to support a healthy senior lifestyle in a friendly, inclusive community.
Connect with us at 971 E. Lancaster Avenue in Downingtown, PA, call 610.269.8800, or contact us online for more information. Ask us about our move-in special! Ashbridge Manor is a safe, COVID-free senior living community.